Hi all,
Long time, no talk. Sorry I have been MIA. I have been a Mom in Action, or is it a Mom in Agony? Either way, I am here now, sort of alive.
We had a string illness here unlike anything that anyone has ever seen before. Well, the Black Plague may have been a little worse, but still. First the flu made its malicious rounds, then, just when I thought we were all recovered and over the hump, BAM! Andrew gets Strep throat. So, after a few days of me thinking he is only complaining to get out of cleaning his room, or doing his chores, or eating with proper table manners, he spikes a fever. Headache + Sore throat + fever + 6 year old = very tired Mommy. After about 4 days of antibiotics, he is well enough to go to school. Yaaay, a day to catch up on all those things that didn't get done because I had a sick guy attached to me. Now, I know what you are thinking . . . "But that is really only one week, 10 days tops, where were you the rest of the time." Hang on, I'm getting to it.
So, that day the kids come home from school, Andrew is hacking up a lung, and Charlotte is looking a little worse for wear too. Everybody to bed early.
That night Charlotte wakes up, she has got a very high fever and both her ears hurt. Andrew is still hacking all night long too. Both are home again. Charlotte has a double ear infection, and Andrew still has strep throat. More antibiotics for both.
Thankfully, after a few more days, both kids got better, were able to return to school, and I got ready to breathe a big sigh of relief. Only, I couldn't. I could not breathe. Yep, my turn. Somehow, I got both of what they were carrying. I have a fever, congestion, sore throat, ear infections, and a hacking cough. So, that is what I have been doing this past week. Just trying to stay alive.
My husband, bless his heart, pointed out that there is a positive side to this. He said to me, "On the plus side, I feel fine."

He thinks he is funny.
But, I do have a great scrapbook layout to show you.
I was surfing the net (pre-illnesses) and found a fantastic quote that really encompassed how I felt about my life.
Kinda a cruel joke now, but then, yes, I was blissful, and I will be again, once I recover.
Anyway, after I found that quote, the idea for the pictures just fell into my head. I think it makes a great scrapbook layout. Lookie:
You can see, the whole concept of the page was happiness, true bliss. Mine.
Here are some close ups of the pages. The first page is my hubby and I. I used some old chipboard letters and sponged them with Rich Razzleberry craft ink for the title. I love the addition of the 1 1/4 inch Rich Razzleberry striped ribbon. The second page is pics of my kids smiling. The first pic is them as babies, the ones besides are them now. Hard to believe that the oldest is going to be 20. These are my joy, my bliss, my family. The walking, germ ridden, incubating petri dishes that they are.
Thanks for stopping by,